Our Projects

Integrated SRHR Services


In partnership with the Ministry of health the program provides SRH including HIV/AIDS and other integrated services to the target communities and also advocate against GBV and ensure that its beneficiaries adopt positive sexual reproductive health behaviours through the promotion and provision of Sexual Reproductive Health services and Gender Based violence awareness.

Women and Girls Empowerment (WAGE) 

The WAGE Project  equips youths with relevant necessary vocational skills to enable them to be self-reliant and increase their chances to access job opportunities hence improve their livelihood conditions. In addition, the program supports the creation of self-help groups aimed at empowering vulnerable women by providing business seed capital cash transfers, training, and ongoing mentorship.

Integrated Climate Action for Improved Health (ICAIH)


The ICAIH Project  addresses the health impacts of climate Change in Zambia by initiating a comprehensive approach that will build a strong communication strategy to enhance awareness and promote a holistic community-driven voice for climate action. The project aims to  improve communities’ collective ability to identify and respond to climate change impacts and risks affecting their health and hold providers and government at local and national levels accountable for  quality

Fit For Life! Initiative

LIC provides physiotherapy services in community, school and corporate settings to improve

the physical health of the target populations which includes adolescents,
youths, adults and the aged. 

 Key Population (KP) Program


This Program enables the provision of KPs ( Sex workers, people who inject drugs ) with empowerment and support to address for themselves the structural constraints to good health and improve their access to services thus reducing the risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV.