Life Initiative For Change

Designing life changing solutions that meet the needs of the vulnerable population by addressing the interconnected issues of the full rights of women and girls


Help The Vulnerable Population To Improve Their Livelihood

Counselling & SRHR Information

We have Helped over 800 priority population and 200 Key population, with.

Increased access to SRH

We have helped more than 1,200  people  to have access to FP services

STI and
HIV screening

Helped over 500 of which 300 are young people, and over 150 Sex  workers.

Post GBV Care and Support

We have helped over 100 households to get screened for GBV

What We Do

Many vulnerable groups of society experience various life issues and yet not being able to adequately address them either because solutions are not available or not adequately targeted.

In Lusaka and around Zambia, we provide Health services, advocate for gender equality, implement disaster risk reduction programs and support the creation of self-help groups, aimed at empowering vulnerable women and the young people.

Health Care Services

Social Governance

Disaster risk Reduction​

Poverty Alleviation​

We address life issues of health and human rights barriers that affect the vulnerable populations.

Our goal is to strengthen the collaboration of local actors  to Improve access to Health services, strengthen resilience and Gender equality.

Championing the empowerment of women and Girls including other vulnerable groups.

We envision a society where Women and Girls including other Vulnerable populations are empowered to improve their livelihood  and live healthier in favorable environments. 



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How You Can Help


How We Work To Make A Difference

Championing a localization movement:

We focus on localization movement to connect local communities/ vulnerable populations to local actors (local authorities and businesses)

Strengthening collaboration

Our interventions uses the cluster model developed from experiences of working with community members and other local actors in usually small ……

Service Delivery:

In partnership with the Ministry of health, We focus on providing Static and outreach quality, friendly, and responsive SRH services to the priority and key populations ……..

Enhancing Household- Centered Care and Support

We recognize that the vulnerable population we serve belong to a household and multi-issues affect their lives. T

What We Value


We believe in a rights-based approach that empowers everyone – our colleagues, partners, and audiences – for a better future


We believe in making the best out of any situation that we find ourselves in and look to the future with an excited outlook


We believe that our interventions are stronger when all vulnerable groups have the opportunity to express their diverse interests.

Maximize Impact

We believe in maximizing our impact by designing and delivering quality interventions at significant scale


We believe in being honest with our donors, the public, and ourselves about our actions, our results, who we are, and what we stand for.

Results Oriented & Stewardship

We believe in strategically managing the resources entrusted to us, with focus on producing cost-effective solutions.


We maintain fidelity to our mission and approach, and fully own the integrity of data, our performance, and the outcomes of our work.

Learning &Unleaning

We believe that in a changing world, we must always keep learning from everything we do, in order to keep evolving and improving.

Our Partners

Government Ministries(4)

Government Agency( LCC)

Civil Society (3)

Networks and Coalition

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